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over heating dogs


We’ve got a very hot couple of days forecast for Hamilton this Sunday and Monday, so we thought it would be a good time to mention heat stroke in pets. Who gets heat stroke? We mainly see this condition in dogs. Rarely, cats can get heat stroke, but they are much less prone to it […]

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This information is a brief guide on some aspects of caring for your new puppy. If you would like more detailed information about any of the following topics, please contact us. VACCINATIONS All puppies (and adult dogs) must be vaccinated against the five main and potentially fatal viral diseases: Parvovirus, Distemper, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza and Hepatitis. […]

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Life Jackets and DOGS!

Don’t All Dogs Swim? All dogs swim just fine, right? As a matter of fact, no. Some dogs just don’t take to the water at all well. Breeds with low body fat like Doberman, Pinschers, Greyhounds and Boxers can have trouble in the water. Older dogs may tire easily and breeds prone to hip dysphasia […]

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Constipation in your Pet……

This information will help you to prevent constipation in your pet. There are many diseases, which can lead to constipation. Apart from the common ones discussed here, constipation can be due to excessive hair accumulation, perineal hernias, arthritis, lack of exercise (especially old or unwell pets), malfunctioning colon in cats, and tumors. Diet Related Constipation […]

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Cat and Dog Obesity…..

Are you aware of the growing  (quite literally) problem of obese cats and dogs?? Stats are showing that 1/3 of owned dogs and 25% of owned cats are all obese. This can result in diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, joint problems and a lower life expectancy than a healthy pet. A lot of the problem is […]

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Canine Intelligence…

With the Auckland SPCA currently teaching 3 mixed breed canines how to drive a car, I thought this would be a great opportunity to write about canine intelligence! Researchers have found that dogs are capable of much more than we’ve ever thought possible. Studies have shown that some pooches can understand up to 250 words […]

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Asthma in cats….

Did you know that cats could get asthma? “Paddykat” (pictured here) has asthma and, as you can see, looks no different from any other happy and contented cat! Not so when he was first diagnosed. Paddykat was coughing and his breathing was laboured. We needed to rule out other possible causes of his symptoms before […]

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Pet Insurance…..Do you have it???

Pet insurance is basically the same idea as human medical insurance. It is perhaps even more important in pets as there is no safety net of state-funded medical treatment for animals. Harsh as it sounds, it can help reduce that financial risk of having to choose between a huge bill or picking elective euthanasia because […]

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